A wider world of possibilities.
35mm prime. A desert-island lens for many. Wide enough to nail the view. Shallow enough to draw out subjects. Fast enough to make the impossible possible. And so sharp...just utter unwavering sharpness. In reimagining this classic lens for the new Z system, we may very well have perfected it. -
Easy to carry. Fun to shoot.
The NIKKOR Z 40mm f/2 is an ultra-compact prime you can rely on with any Z camera in just about any situation. Its wide enough for street work, landscapes and interiors but tight enough for authentic portraits and candid shots. It has a fast f/2 maximum aperture that powers through low lighting, helps freeze fast action and separates your subject from the background with a beautiful bokeh effect. And it does all of this with clarity, consistency and brightness that's all Z. -
The iconic go-to lens, totally reimagined.
50mm prime. An icon. Visionary perspective. Versatile focus depth. Capable of delivering striking, decisive images in nearly any light. Ideal for all manner of videos. The definition of a "go to" lens. It should be no surprise that Nikon chose the 50mm to be among the first of a new generation of superb NIKKOR Z lenses. And in doing so, have achieved a 50mm f/1.8 unlike any before it. -
- Z-Mount Lens/FX Format
- Aperture Range: f/1.8 to f/16
- Two ED and Two Aspherical Elements
- Nano Crystal & Super Integrated Coatings
- Stepping Motor AF System
- Programmable Control Ring
- Weather-Sealed Construction
- Rounded 9-Blade Diaphragm
- Z-Mount Lens/FX Format
- Aperture Range: f/2.8 to f/22
- ED, SR, and Fluorite Elements
- ARNEO and Nano Crystal Coatings
- Multi-Focus Stepping Motor AF System
- Vibration Reduction Image Stabilization
- Programmable Control Ring
- Information OLED Panel and L.Fn Button
- Weather-Sealed Design, Fluorine Coating
Waterproof, fog-free Nikon binoculars 10x50CF WP are ideal for outdoor use. Bright, beautifully defined images are delivered by superior quality, multilayer-coated objective lens. Originally designed for use under severe environment, for example, for marine use, nitrogen gas provides added resistance to the effects of changes in climate or weather. Furthermore, the rubber armouring ensures reliable performance and a comfortable grip, even during prolonged use. These binoculars ensure worry-free viewing of the great outdoors.
- BAA190EA
- Waterproof (up to 5m/16.4 ft. for 5 minutes) and fog-free with nitrogen gas
- Horizontal and vertical scales for measuring dimensions or distances (scale type)
- High-eyepoint design for a clear field of view
- Large objective diameter for bright image
- Can be fixed to a tripod using optional tripod adaptor
- Polarising filter and horn-shaped rubber eyecup are available (options)
Distance scale
You can measure dimensions or distances if you know one of the values.
Vatnsheldur og móðulaus með niturfyllingu. Vatnsheldur (allt að 1 metra í 5 mínútur) og móðulaus með niturfyllingu Há augnstaða tryggir vítt sjónsvið, jafnvel fyrir þá sem nota gleraugu Stillanlegt gúmmí utan um augngler með fjölþrepa smellistillingu auðveldar staðsetningu augans í réttri augnstöðu Breitt sjónsvið Fjölhúðaðar linsur og mikið þvermál hlutglers til að ná besta skýrleika myndar Gúmmístyrking til að verja gegn höggum og þétt, þægilegt grip Vistvænt sjóngler, laust við blý og arsenik
BAA818SA ACULON A211 býður sjónauka með yfirburðaframmistöðu á aðlaðandi verði. Fjölhúðaðar linsur og val um stórar linsur í hlutgleri sem skila virkilega björtum myndum og víðu sjónsviði. Hin einstaklega kraftmikla aðdráttar-gerð inniheldur einnig millistykki fyrir Nikon þrífót. Stór linsa í hlutgleri skilar bjartara og víðara sjónsviði. Fjölhúðaðar linsur til að fá bjartari og skarpari myndir Gúmmístyrking ver gegn höggum og býður upp á þétt, þægilegt grip Þægilegur aðdráttur með fingri
ACULON A211 offers superior optical performance at an attractive price. Multilayer-coated lenses and a choice of large objective lens diameters provide extremely bright images and a wide field of view. Breathtaking visual experiences also result from the use of aspherical eyepiece lenses. The ACULON A211 8-18x42 zoom binoculars feature adjustable 8-18-power multicoated lenses and 42mm objectives fabricated with Nikon’s exclusive lead and arsenic free Eco-Glass™. The BaK4 Porro prism systems within all ACULON A211 binoculars deliver a high quality image under a multitude of lighting conditions, making these binoculars effective from dawn till dusk. All together the ACULON A211 8-18x42 zoom binoculars are a compact, high-quality, and cost effective choice.
ACULON A30 sjónaukar einbeita sér að hjarta leiksins. Horfðu á íþróttaviðburði í gegnum 25 mm hlutgler með fjölhúðaðri linsu og njóttu, breiðrar, bjartrar og vel stilltar myndar. ACULON A30 sjónaukar eru svo litlir og léttir að þú getur haft þá með þér hvert sem er. Gúmmívörnin tryggir þér öruggt og þægilegt grip. Aukin augnfjarlægð býður upp á aukna ánægju fyrir notendur. Vistvæn sjóngler Nikon tryggja þér hugarró: allar linsur og prismu eru 100% lausar við blý og arsen. Fjölhúðaðar linsur fyrir bjartar myndir Fyrirferðarlítill og léttur Gúmmíhúðun fyrir þægilegt grip Meiri augnfjarlægð Vistvæn gler sem eru laus við bæði blý og arsen
See more as you travel in style with ACULON T02 binoculars. So lightweight and compact you can take them anywhere, they’ll open up a whole new world of details – from nature views to spotting sports action or watching your favourite performers in concerts and theatres. These sleekly-designed binoculars come in a choice of modern colours, while multilayer-coated lenses with high-quality Nikon’s optics offer you a clear and bright view. Whether you’re hiking in the mountains, touring a new city, or spending the weekend at a festival, they’ll be your constant companion. And at just 195 g, you’ll barely notice you’re carrying them. Look sharp and see it all with ACULON T02.